2009/5/17 Hilco Wijbenga <hilco.wijbe...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> The documentation for maven-antrun-plugin lists at the very bottom of
> "Referencing the Maven Classpaths":
> ===== Start snippet =====
> You can also use the path to each dependency artifact
> <property name="mvn.dependency.jar"
> refid="maven.dependency.my.group.id:my.artifact.id:classifier:jar.path"/>
> <echo message="My Dependency JAR-Path: ${mvn.dependency.jar}"/>
> ===== End snippet =====
> I've tried several variations but I can't seem to find the right one.
> If I have groupId "org.example", artifactId "xyz", and version "1.2",
> then what is the magic incantation that uses the above snippet
> properly?
> I assume it's something like
> <property name="mvn.dependency.jar"
> refid="maven.dependency.org.example:xyz:classifier:jar.path"/>
> but what do I do with "classifier" and "jar.path"?

Anyone? Is the question not clear? Or is this a dark and unexplored
area of maven-antrun-plugin? :-)

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