sorry that should be

mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=stage::default::http://stage.repo.url/

mvn org.codehaus.mojo:wagon-maven-plugin:1.0-beta-1:merge-maven-repos \
     -Dwagon.source=http://stage.repo.url \ \

2009/5/20 Stephen Connolly <>

> mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=http://stage.repo.url/
> mvn org.codehaus.mojo:wagon-maven-plugin:1.0-beta-1:merge-maven-repos \
>      -Dwagon.source=http://stage.repo.url \
> \
> 2009/5/20 Stephen Connolly <>
> You need to stage the deploy, i.e. deploy to an intermediate repository and
>> then move them from there.
>> I know that the pro version of Nexus has support built in for this, but
>> given that we have not purchased it I cannot attest to it's workability.
>> Alternatively there is a stage mojo on one of the plugins (might be
>> wagon-maven-plugin) to help copying a staged repository to the final
>> repository
>> -Stephen
>> 2009/5/20 Jane Young <>
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for responding.
>>> In  our project, we first do "mvn install" to produce the artifact and
>>> then run QA tests to make sure the artifacts are good before deploying to
>>> the remote maven repository.  When executing "mvn deploy", it will go
>>> through preceding lifecycle phases (compile, package, test, install) before
>>> getting to deploy.   We want to make sure the same artifacts that was tested
>>> in the local maven repository is getting published to the remote repository.
>>>  But since deploy is executing compile, package and install again, it may
>>> possibly end up with different artifacts then the ones that was tested.  Is
>>> there a workaround to this?  Is it possible to skip the preceding lifecycle
>>> phases when executing "mvn deploy".  There are hundreds of artifacts in the
>>> project so deploying individual files with deploy:deploy-file will not work
>>> for us.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jane
>>> Baptiste MATHUS wrote:
>>>> Well, I'm finally not sure I understand what you want to do.
>>>> Did you look at the provided link?
>>>> Some goals (bound to the standard lifecycle that you should be aware of:
>>>> )
>>>> * "package" will create the "packaged" version inside target directory
>>>> (though this directory is customizable, but let's say you use the
>>>> default
>>>> values)
>>>> * "install" will do all that package does + install the packaged
>>>> artifact
>>>> inside your local repository
>>>> * "deploy" will do all that install does + deploy the artifact into your
>>>> maven repository
>>>> Deploy:deploy-file works at the file level. It takes many arguments, and
>>>> you
>>>> can use it to deploy any artifact in any repository, any
>>>> groupId/artifactId/version.
>>>> Really, I think this is what you need. If not, please rephrase your need
>>>> more thoroughly.
>>>> Cheers.
>>>> 2009/5/20 Jane Young <>
>>>>> Thanks for the link.
>>>>> I do not want to deploy individual artifacts.  I want to deploy
>>>>> artifacts
>>>>> from a project.   Is it possible to do this with deploy:deploy-file?
>>>>> Baptiste MATHUS wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> See
>>>>>> Also note that modern MRM have a page that features this exact upload.
>>>>>> Cheers.
>>>>>> 2009/5/20 Jane Young <>
>>>>>>> Hi Maven gurus,
>>>>>>> Looks like "mvn deploy" is  deploying artifact from the target
>>>>>>> directory
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> remote maven repo.  Is it possible to configure "mvn deploy" to
>>>>>>> deploy
>>>>>>> artifact from the local maven repo.  Also, is it possible to skip all
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> lifecyle phases before deploy (validate, compile, test, package,
>>>>>>> integration-test, verify and install) and just deploy from local
>>>>>>> maven
>>>>>>> repo
>>>>>>> to remote maven repo?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Jane
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