Thanks for your clarification. I really aplied those features.

I'd chang the object to only get test report. Are there any suggestions for 
setting the goals?

By the way, are there any good practices for this case?

主题: AW: About unittest run three times
发件人: Mark Struberg <>
日期: 2009/05/20 18:39

Old story, and as far as I remember (please correct me if I'm wrong) the reason 

The site lifecycle and the default build lifecycle are isolated things.
So if you run mvn install, the 'test' phase will be invoked -> 1st run

Your site has a test reporting section? -> 2nd run

I assume you have cobertura or another code coverage tool enabled?
Because this runs all the tests in an instrumended form -> 3nd run

I'm not saying this situation is optimal though ;) This especially sucks while 
running releases, because prepare and perform will do all those steps a few 


--- forum geng <> schrieb am Mi, 20.5.2009:

> Von: forum geng <>
> Betreff: About unittest run three times
> An:
> Datum: Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2009, 8:30
> Dear all,
>            While I set
> the nightly build command for continum by "clean
> install site-deploy", my unit tests all run for three
> times.
>            And while I
> changed to "clean install", the unit tests run for
> one time, and changed to "clean site-deploy", my unit tests
> run for two
> times.
>           Are there any to explain
> the behind mechanism?
>           And my requirement is
> that to let all the unit tests run for only
> time, and I can also find the info from the deployed site,
> such as with
> PMD/FindBug related report.
> Thanks.
> Forest.


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