and you'd probably want an integration-test scope as well for dependencies used for integration testing, and you'd need to add an integrationTestSources element to the build, as well as integrationTestResources

that is if you want to do things properly.

and I am not opposed to such changes. the failsafe plugin provides a mostly clean solution *now*. I am fed up waiting for try... finally phases (which are why failing the build in the integration-test phase is *bad*)... I am fed up having a big mad configuration section with multiple executions in my maven-surefire-plugin plugin, which scares project newcomers, just the get integration tests running correctly... I am fed up with a separate module for integration tests (of only one module) because you only really see the failures when it comes time to release...

with failsafe, it's part of the standard build for that module.

if the developers want to skip the its

mvn package
mvn verify -DskipITs

if they just run mvn install or mvn deploy then the integration tests will have run.

if they've bugs in unit tests

mvn test -Dmaven.surefire.debug=...

if they've bugs in integration tests

mvn verify -Dmaven.failsafe.debug=...

and all I'd added is a simple short snippet to the pom... no execution hacks, no profile hacks

don't get me wrong, if somebody has a better solution *pretty please with catnip on top* show it to us *now* ;-)


Sent from my [rhymes with myPod] ;-)

On 26 May 2009, at 20:33, Jason Chaffee <> wrote:

Yes, it would basically force Maven to adopt it as a standard and it would might mean even adding a itest-compile phase, etc.

Not sure if I prefer this idea over the current protocol, but I do think the FailSafe plugin is very good and clever approach to integration tests with the way things currently work in Maven.

I am just throwing it out there as idea for the sake of discussion.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Connolly []
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 12:27 PM
To: Maven Users List
Cc: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: [ANN] Failsafe Maven Plugin 2.4.3-alpha-1 released.

but that looses source folder config in ide setup, and hacks with test-

Sent from my [rhymes with myPod] ;-)

On 26 May 2009, at 20:22, Jason Chaffee <>

One way around the excludes hack is to adopt a different directory
structure for it tests and unit tests.  For example

src/test --> unit tests

src/itest --> integration tests


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Connolly []
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 12:12 PM
To: Maven Users List
Cc: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: [ANN] Failsafe Maven Plugin 2.4.3-alpha-1 released.

I am not opposed to doing so. the block for me is my lack of Apache
commit access.

there are valid arguments for keeping these as separate plugins
though, eg the <excludes>none</excludes> hack that people used to
configure surefire for multiple executions; debugging tests from an
IDE; skipping one type of tests, etc

but at the end of the day, if we can find a way to combine to one
plugin, I'm fine with that

Sent from my [rhymes with myPod] ;-)

On 26 May 2009, at 19:58, Paul Benedict <> wrote:

Will there be an effort to add the integration testing features to
original? I would like to not have multiple testing plugins.

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Stephen Connolly
<> wrote:
use surefire for unit tests

use failsafe if you need to set up a integration test environment
and tear
it back down again after the integration tests have ran


Sent from my [rhymes with myPod] ;-)

On 26 May 2009, at 19:34, Wim Deblauwe <>

Is there an explanation somewhere on when to use surefire and when
failsafe plugin? What are the main differences?



2009/5/25 Stephen Connolly <>

The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Failsafe
Plugin, version 2.4.3-alpha-1.

The Failsafe Plugin is a fork of the Maven Surefire Plugin
designed for
running integration tests. It has the following goals.

* failsafe:integration-test (with a default phase of integration-
which by default uses surefire to execute all tests matching the
**/IT*.java, **/* and **/*  This goal should
not fail
build, thereby allowing the post-integration-test phase to
execute and
up the integration test environment.
* failsafe:verify (with a default phase of verify) which checks
results of running the integration tests and fails the build if
test failures.

When using the Failsafe Maven Plugin with its default phase
bindings, use

mvn verify

to execute the integration tests.

To use this plugin in your projects, add the following to the
project/build/plugins section of your pom.xml


The artifacts have been deployed to the mojo repository and will
to central within the next 24 hours.

The Mojo Team.

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