I'm sending this missive to user's lists of both hudson and maven
because it concerns using these two tools together, and I'll need help
from both parties to make this work.

Rather than separately site-deploying the sites of the 30 or so maven
projects hudson is building for me at work, I've decided to take
advantage of hudson's handy "maven generated site" link. (Now that it
works again!)

This works quite well for single-module maven builds.

Multi-module builds, not so much.

I have a few multi-module maven projects at work, and here are the problems:

(1) Hudson's "maven generated site" link links to one of the
sub-modules instead of linking to the site of the multi-module pom
project at the root of the defined working copy.

(2) Even if it *did* link to the correct project, instead of some
random sub-project, it wouldn't work since links to sub-modules are

(3) Links to sub-modules are broken. They expect to find in
target/site/submodule, what is in fact in submodule/target/site.

(4) Links to sub-modules are not even generated unless it happens that
the multi-module pom project is also the <parent> of each of the
submodules. Why this is, is anyone's guess.

(5) They will work, if the site is deployed, but then <url> must be
defined correctly.

(6) One thing that works, but is ugly is:
<url>http://example.com/${groupId}/${artifactId}</url> in the
parent/multi-module pom. The children end up all installing to
which is just kind of gross, instead of
but I guess that's an effect of the ${} expansion being after, not
before inheritance is performed.

But, if I deploy the site, I need to separately maintain a page of
links to those sites, since Hudson's "maven generated site" link does
not go there, it goes to target/site. I also have a whole separate set
of URLs to manage, to advertise to my users and to clean up when I
remove corresponding build jobs. Messy.

I'm trying to simplify my life, not complicated it.

Is there some way I can get my multi-module projects to produce a site
which is accessible through hudson and which makes submodules
available? Alternately, perhaps it would be possible to somehow
intelligently combine the project reports from the various submodules
and merge them all into the site of the multi-module build.

I've reached the point now where I'm tempted to just break out beat
the problem into submission with a generous helping of shell
scripting, but that doesn't seem very 'mavenesque'.

Has anyone out there already solved this, or a similar problem?

// Ben

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