On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 1:17 AM, Barrie Treloar <baerr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Martijn Dashorst
> <martijn.dasho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In my opinion  MECLIPSE-443 is a very bad idea. Should every plugin be
>> configured so that the resources available in src/main/java are
>> treated as classpath entries?
> It was my understanding that if you had resources in src/main/java
> that Maven would not package these.
> They must be in src/main/resources.

Unless you define src/main/java inside a <resources> element as I
already mentioned. This should be the canonical place for defining
such project descriptions, *NOT* in every frakking plugin that doesn't
want to read the pom.

> What is wrong with configuring your ide to behave how Maven behaves?
> This will stop you having moments where it works in Eclipse but Maven fails.

Because the plugin doesn't configure my IDE as maven behaves: see above...

>> According to me the eclipse plugin
>> should take the <resources> part of the pom into account, rather than
>> invent yet another way of specifying where resources live.
> The plugin takes it diirectly from the in memory copy of the pom via
> project.getBuild().getResources() as can be seen in the code below.
> It does not invent another way of specifying where resources live.

Then why doesn't it work? I don't care about how it is implemented in
Java code. Just either roll back 443, or implement it correctly.

>> This "fix" break so many existing builds and archetypes it is not fun
>> anymore. I for one don't like being the helpdesk for maven on the
>> Wicket user list.
> Can you be specific about what breaks?
> Which files, why they are in src/main/java and not somewhere else, etc.

With Wicket, we have Page.html, Page.properties, Page.properties_ru,
Page.js, Page.css, Page.younameit next to the Java files. This has
been the official way to work with Wicket, and was 100% supported by
maven by defining src/main/java as a resources element in our poms.
443 breaks this. And no, we don't take put them in src/main/resources
as an answer.

> For other edge cases 2.7 added
> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MECLIPSE-104, which allows you to
> configure what files can be included/excluded from source directories.

I'd qualify thousands of Wicket users as hardly an edge case thank you
very much/

> Without specifics it is impossible to fix your complaint.

I've complained about this earlier in the maven-eclipse-plugin-2.6
thread, together with specifics.

I don't want to have to configure my resources with every plugin that
is going to be part of the build. That is not the Maven way. If the
compiler plugin can copy all my resources by reading the <resources>
part of my pom, why should the maven-eclipse-plugin behave any


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