Sorry for my previous (incomplete) e-mail. I accidentally hit the send
button. To continue ...
I'm building NetBeans Platform and Module using Maven. When I ran the
following on the command line: 
mvn nbm:cluster nbm:run-ide
I get the following information:
Since 2.7, the nbm:nbm goal is not part of the lifecycle.
Please execute 'mvn install nbm:directory nbm:cluster' to get the same
results as in earlier versions.

I executed the command as mentioned above but I got the following error:
Required goal not found: nbm:directory in

I hope someone can assist me.

Thank you.




Winston Sik
Senior Java Developer | Experian Decision Analytics | Malaysia
DL: +603 8321 5660 | GL: +603 8321 5600 | Fax: +603 8321 5698 | E-mail:


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