Barrie Treloar wrote:
> I think I see what you are saying.
> Model (test) depends upon Test Support (main and test jars)
> I am going to assume that Test Support does not depend upon Model
> (either main or test)
Almost, but not quite.  TestSupport does depend on Model, because it
includes the Builder classes that create Model objects for unit and
functional tests.  It just works out that some of the more complex unit
tests for Model classes *also* use the builders.  So, Model must be
built before TestSupport, and TestSupport depends on Model.  I just have
these few unit tests that really belong in the Model module but are
currently in the TestSupport module because of their dependencies on the

I've only been able to see a few ways out of this:

1) Move business logic out of the Model and into some intermediate
module.  (This moves me away from an OO paradigm. IMO)
2) Rewrite my Model unit tests so that they don't use builders. (This
makes the tests less readable/maintainable.)
3) Create a new module that is nothing more than just the unit tests on
the Model module.  Then dependencies can be resolved pretty easily.
4) Keep it as I have it now, with a few "special" Model unit tests
living in the TestSupport module.  (I don't like this.  I think it will
cause confusion in the future.)

I just figured that I couldn't possibly be the first person to run into
this problem.  So, I was curious how others resolved it.

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