The VAS GW features can allow you to do this. You simply re-direct all incoming to the VAS URL for processing. There used to me an  mmbox feature, but that was put aside since it wasn't really clean. 
 The other option is to muck around in the queue as explained earlier, or we can discuss (off-list) what you want to do so we can see what fits best. 
On Oct 18, 2005, at 16:06, Danny Zenzano wrote:

I want to be able to see the content of MMS mensages(photos, audio, text, etc), but i only have the df1129217474.2.x936097 file.
I am making a Inbox for the users and I want that they can see the content of his messages.
some functionality of the VAS GW allows me to do that?
How I can do that?
thanks for the answers
 -----Mensaje original-----
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]En nombre de Paul Bagyenda
Enviado el: martes, 18 de octubre de 2005 0:30
Para: Mbuni MMS Gateway Users List
Asunto: Re: RE : [Users] how I can see the content of the MMS?

You want to do this:

1. octstr_read_file() to read the file into an Octstr *
2. Use mms_frombinary(octstr, octstr_imm("[EMAIL PROTECTED]"))
3. Then use the mms_tomime function

Or, use the VAS GW features.


On Oct 17, 2005, at 23:04, Danny Zenzano wrote:

thanks you
but, the paremeter "MmsMsg *msg"?
-----Mensaje original-----
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]En nombre de Paul Bagyenda
Enviado el: lunes, 17 de octubre de 2005 13:09
Para: Mbuni MMS Gateway Users List
Asunto: Re: RE : [Users] how I can see the content of the MMS?

The parameter base64 should be set to 1 if you want the function to base64 encode mime body parts that are binary. This is a good idea if you are going to send the message via email for example.

On Oct 17, 2005, at 20:01, Danny Zenzano wrote:

tanks for the answers.
I want to know...
If I have a mms-file df1129217474.2.x936097 and the function mms_tomime()
and the function mms_tomime() receives like parametros:
1) MmsMsg *msg.
2)int base64.
how I turn the file mms(df1129217474.2.x936097) to "MmsMsg *msg"?
What value I will have to send like second parameter(int base64=?)?
-----Mensaje original-----
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]En nombre de Xavier Rodriguez (INEXBEE)
Enviado el: lunes, 17 de octubre de 2005 11:32
Para: 'Mbuni MMS Gateway Users List'
Asunto: RE : [Users] how I can see the content of the MMS?

It's defined in the mms_msg C file in the mmslib directory:



 * Convert Mms Message to standard Mime entity.

 * Does base64 encoding of binary parts if base64 is true


extern MIMEEntity *mms_tomime(MmsMsg *msg, int base64)




-----Message d'origine-----
De : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de Danny Zenzano
Envoyé : 17 October 2005 17:20
À : Mbuni MMS Gateway Users List (E-mail)
Objet : RE: [Users] how I can see the content of the MMS?



in the folder install/mbuni-1.0.0/mmlib I found programs that make reference and use to the mms_tomime() function, but I did not find the mms_tomime() function ABCD

which are the parameters that this function receives?
which  parameters return?
how i can do the program ?




-----Mensaje original-----
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]En nombre de Paul Bagyenda
Enviado el: viernes, 14 de octubre de 2005 10:42
Para: Mbuni MMS Gateway Users List
Asunto: Re: [Users] how I can see the content of the MMS?

It is installed in /usr/local/lib when you compile and install.

On Oct 14, 2005, at 16:07, Danny Zenzano wrote:

where is this library?

-----Mensaje original-----
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]En nombre de Paul Bagyenda
Enviado el: viernes, 14 de octubre de 2005 4:23
Para: Mbuni MMS Gateway Users List
Asunto: Re: [Users] how I can see the content of the MMS?

The binary MMS is contained in the file that begins with a 'd'. To see the MIME version, you probably need to write a little program that reads the file then uses the mmlib mms_tomime() function to convert it to mime. The code is there, there is just no tool at the moment to do it for you... 




On Oct 13, 2005, at 19:07, Danny Zenzano wrote:



somebody can help me?


I have the archives "spool/mm1/q/df1129217474.2.x936097" and "spool/mm1/q/qf1129217474.2.x936097"


how I can see the content of the MMS, if I have the archives?


how I can turn "df1129217474.2.x936097 and qf1129217474.2.x936097" to smil or mime?








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