Hi !

http-post-parameters = fx=true&images[]=%i&text[]=%t

1. I gather fx is merely a variable, which could be used to test some condition, right?

2 .Well Paul, in my case $_FILES is empty. I'm positive about that. I've tried print_r($_FILES), var_dump($_FILES). Nothing works.

var_dump($_POST) gives me some MMS contents: SMIL, text string, name of the image file, but NOT the image part of the MM.

Since I cannot predict the content of the MM (received), therefore I use :

http-post-parameters = userfile[]=%z

%z - All Parts of the MM. I've however tried other combinations as well. $_FILES is empty.

3. Is there a way I could save the received MMS (intact) at VASP in some local folder? There are logs, but they don't preserve the format of MM.

Thanks & Regards

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