

    Can you confirm that the directory /var/www/html/images and the
apache_pb.gif exist …. 


Other thing that you can confirm is if the apache is up, or if you have an
alias correct in httpd.conf file …..because in your configuration file you
have the 


group = mms-service
name = fullmessage
get-url =  <http://localhost/images/apache_pb.gif>
# http-post-parameters = fx=true&image=%i&text=%t
accept-x-mbuni-headers = true
keyword = thixs


maybe something in the mmsbos.conf is not correct, look the groups … or find
other mmsbox.conf in internet … there is a lot of examples. 



De: users-boun...@mbuni.org [mailto:users-boun...@mbuni.org] En nombre de
Emmanuel CHANSON
Enviado el: miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010 15:36
Para: users@mbuni.org
Asunto: Re: [Users] MMSBox and MM1 GPRS modem


I tried many things (even Mbuni CVS + Kannel recommended release) but I got
always the same behavior, I am blocked since 3 days.

I want to send a MMS from MMSbox to a phone, I used:
lynx -dump "http://localhost:10001/?username=altmms
   Accepted: Mbuni-msg.4983.x1.49.32

the logs show this (mmsbox.conf):

2010-03-17 08:29:43 [25549] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2010-03-17 08:29:43 [25549] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2010-03-17 08:29:43 [25549] [13] DEBUG: WSP: Mapping `text/plain', WSP 1.2
to 0x0003.
2010-03-17 08:29:43 [25549] [13] INFO: mmsbox.c:1366 <make_and_queue_msg>
[mmsbox] [n/a] MMSBox: Queued message from service [sendmms-user], [transid
[Mbuni-msg.4983.x1.49.32]: 4-qf4983.1.x549.22
2010-03-17 08:29:43 [25549] [13] INFO: System error 2: No such file or
2010-03-17 08:29:43 [25549] [13] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area
2010-03-17 08:29:43 [25549] [13] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for
2010-03-17 08:29:43 [25549] [13] INFO: mmsbox.c:1613 <dispatch_sendmms_recv>
[mmsbox] [n/a] MMSBox.mmssend: u=altmms, Queued [Accepted:
2010-03-17 08:29:47 [25549] [7] DEBUG: Queued to thread 0 for
/var/spool/mbuni/mmsbox_outgoing/4/qf4983.1.x549.22, sendt=1268774983,
2010-03-17 08:29:47 [25549] [18] ERROR: bearerbox.c:1525 <sendMsg> [MM7]
[n/a] Retry later MMSBox Outgoing Queue MMS Send: >From 100/TYPE=PLMN, to
+xxxxxxxxx/TYPE=PLMN, msgsize=95: internal error, mm1 notify not started!

Mbuni should stop SMSc but nothing happens:

mmsbox.conf below:

One thing strange, Kannel does not notice anything when receiving a MMS
notification (I tried to send a MMS from a mobile to my modem Nokia 6230),
MMS is received on the modem but not catched by Kannel/Mbuni and absolutely
no logs.

If it can help....


group = core
log-file = /var/log/mbuni/mmsbox.log
access-log = /var/log/mbuni/mmsbox-access.log
log-level = 0
mmsbox-admin-port = 10020
admin-password = password
admin-port-ssl = false

group = mbuni
storage-directory = /var/spool/mbuni
max-send-threads = 5
maximum-send-attempts = 50
default-message-expiry = 360000
queue-run-interval = 5
send-attempt-back-off = 300
sendmms-port = 10001
sendsms-url = http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms
sendsms-username =xxxxxx
sendsms-password = xxxxxx

#group = mmsc
#id = alternative
#mmsc-url = http://mbuni:t...@localhost:1982/soap
#incoming-username = user
#incoming-password = pass
#incoming-port = 12345
#type = soap

# Conf for MMSBox using a modem (MM1)
group = mmsc
id = nokiaphone
type = custom
custom-settings = "smsc-on=lynx -dump
 smsc-off=lynx -dump 'http://localhost:13000/stop-smsc?password=xxxxxx
 gprs-on=pppd call gprs;gprs-pid=cat /var/run/ppp0.pid|head
mmsc-library = /usr/local/lib/libmmsbox_mm1.so

group = mms-service
name = me
post-url = http://localhost/~bagyenda/test-mbuni.php
catch-all = true
http-post-parameters = fx=true&images[]=%i&text[]=%t&skip=1
accept-x-mbuni-headers = true
pass-thro-headers = X-NOKIA-MMSC-Charging,X-NOKIA-MMSC-Charged-Party
keyword = test
omit-empty = no
suppress-reply = true
service-code = regular

group = mms-service
name = fullmessage
get-url = http://localhost/images/apache_pb.gif
# http-post-parameters = fx=true&image=%i&text=%t
accept-x-mbuni-headers = true
keyword = thixs

group = send-mms-user
username = altmms
password = altmms
faked-sender = 100



2010/3/16 Paul Bagyenda <bagye...@dsmagic.com>

Answers inline.


On Mar 16, 2010, at 00:08, Emmanuel CHANSON wrote:

Thanks Nuno for your help,

First thing is that the text I sent before is for receiving a mms, for that
you use the mmsbox exec, so I do not speak of the mmsc exec neither is
configuration file, but I do believe that you must use BOTH exec to be able
to send a mms (not really sure on this).
-> Need a confirmation from Paul B maybe because I don’t have any clue about



 mmsc is not needed for what you want to do. mmsbox is sufficient

For what is used the port parameter inside custom-settings -> ;port=13014; ?

I am eating my brain out about that, worst is one of the few things I don’t
have any notes about.

-> Maybe Paul can answer to this as well





 This is the port to which kannel must get/post incoming mms notification

Should I use ppd call gprs or wvdial ? should it provide the same result ie
a pppd connection to my operator ?

In my opinion wvdial is a easy fast way a user control a gprs modem, and I
know that pppd looked scary at first, but after a few configurations you
will have a great tool that your mbuni will use with ease, and I recommend
you use the pppd script, the pppd mechanism saved me a few times already.

-> I will check for the ppd script but where can I found it? I remember I
saw pppd script on the internet, but maybe there is some scripts coming with
the pppd library in linux?


2010-03-15 15:30:06 [28823] [13] INFO: System error 2: No such file or

I’ve came across that error a few times, but not in a command you are doing.
Are you executing mbuni with sudo(root permitions) ? Does /var/spool/mbuni
exist and has write permitions?

-> without sudo command, directly with root account

And Yes /var/spool.mbuni have the write permission (at least for root

drwxr-x---.  5 root   root   4096 mars  15 15:21 mbuni

# ll /var/spool/mbuni/
total 12
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root    0 mars  15 15:21 mmsbox-cdr.asc
drwxr-x---. 38 root root 4096 mars  15 15:21 mmsbox_dlr
drwxr-x---. 38 root root 4096 mars  15 15:21 mmsbox_incoming
drwxr-x---. 38 root root 4096 mars  16 06:09 mmsbox_outgoing

In fact mbuni does not start shutting down smsc-id = at... can we
investiguate further ? how ? :(

To this I may have a hint, you have a typo, either on the mail or the conf

-> I don't understand, what is a typo, can you reformulate? (sorry for my


Both commands must be addressed to the same port http://localhost:13001
<http://localhost:13001/> , and check if 13001 is the admin-port on kannel
conf file
-> Yes I made a mistake, kannel admin-port is 13000 and I put 13001 in, the
mmsbox.conf file but Mbuni did not succeed to work until this part of the
process as it did not try to shutdown smsc in the log, I expected to see
some errors saying it can not access admin-port of Kannel. I have modified
my conf file as follow:

# Conf for MMSBox using a modem (MM1)
group = mmsc
id = nokiaphone
type = custom
custom-settings = "smsc-on=lynx -dump
 smsc-off=lynx -dump 'http://localhost:13000/stop-smsc?password=******
 gprs-on=pppd call gprs;gprs-pid=cat /var/run/ppp0.pid|head
mmsc-library = /usr/local/lib/libmmsbox_mm1.so

Thanks for your time, I really need to succeed to send a MMS through GPRS.

BTW Does anyone succeeded to do this before? Not only receiving a MMS
through GPRS I mean but also send one?




2010/3/15 Nuno Freitas <nuno.frei...@nabiasolutions.com>

Hi there Emmanuel,

First thing is that the text I sent before is for receiving a mms, for that
you use the mmsbox exec, so I do not speak of the mmsc exec neither is
configuration file, but I do believe that you must use BOTH exec to be able
to send a mms (not really sure on this).


>One thing, I don't have the same version of libcurl:
>I have a newer version, is it a problem?

I do not believe that would be a problem, and from the log at first glance
there is no indication curl is the problem.

            >I have several question to understand better how it should
            >- For what is used the port parameter inside custom-settings ->
;port=13014; ?

I am eating my brain out about that, worst is one of the few things I don’t
have any notes about.

>- Should I use ppd call gprs or wvdial ? should it provide the same result
ie a pppd connection to my operator ?

In my opinion wvdial is a easy fast way a user control a gprs modem, and I
know that pppd looked scary at first, but after a few configurations you
will have a great tool that your mbuni will use with ease, and I recommend
you use the pppd script, the pppd mechanism saved me a few times already.

>- Is it normal to get the error:
>     2010-03-15 15:30:06 [28823] [13] INFO: System error 2: No such file or

I’ve came across that error a few times, but not in a command you are doing.
Are you executing mbuni with sudo(root permitions) ? Does /var/spool/mbuni
exist and has write permitions?

>is it linked to the issue?

I do not really know. I think mbuni creates a mms file before sending it,
maybe it’s the write permitions that are doing this.

>- I do not see the smsc-id shutting down, why? because of a
missconfiguration of mmsbox.conf? pppd or wvdial ?
>In fact mbuni does not start shutting down smsc-id = at... can we
investiguate further ? how ? :(

To this I may have a hint, you have a typo, either on the mail or the conf


>custom-settings = "smsc-on=lynx -dump '
http://localhost:13000/start-smsc?password=******&smsc=nokiaphone'; \
            >smsc-off=lynx -dump '
http://localhost:13001/stop-smsc?password=******&smsc=nokiaphone'; \

Both commands must be addressed to the same port http://localhost:13001, and
check if 13001 is the admin-port on kannel conf file


group = core

admin-port = 13001

Hope to be of any help.

Best regards

Nuno Freitas

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CHANSON Emmanuel
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@email : emmanuelchan...@gmail.com
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CHANSON Emmanuel
Mobile Nouvelle-Calédonie: +687.77.35.02
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@email : emmanuelchan...@gmail.com

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