Hi Paul,

it would help a lot if we would be able to configure something like that
in the mmsc config:

group = mms-vasp
prefix = +1;+43;+44

instead of fixed numbers

group = mms-vasp
short-codes = 1111;2222;3333

Another idea is to extend the short-codes directive to accept regular

group = mms-vasp
short-codes = 111[1-5];\+1.+

It would be really nice if the routing capabilities would be more
flexible than they are now. :-)

        Best regards

On 01.11.2011 04:41, Paul Bagyenda wrote:
> Hi Franz,
>  For the "VASP configuration" presumably you mean on the mmsc side? Then yes, 
> there is no other way for now to route other than using the short codes. What 
> did you have in mind in terms of routing?
> Paul.
> On Oct 31, 2011, at 14:38, Franz Schwartau wrote:
>> Hi,
>> basically we would like to put "all" received MMS into a database (from,
>> to, attachements aso).
>> Adding a VASP and a MMS service allows us to access all relevant data
>> using post-url in a convenient way.
>> Unfortunately the VASP configuration allows specific numbers
>> (short-codes) only which doesn't fit our needs. We need a prefix based
>> configuration.
>> Before we start to change the source code to add a new directive for
>> group = mms-vasp we would like to ask if there is another way of
>> accessing all incoming MMS. Has anyone done something like this before?
>>      Best regards
>>              Franz

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