Hi all,

  I haven't had much success getting mbuni working yet and was hoping someone 
could provide some help.

  Initially I was having all sorts of troubles getting it to compile with SSL 
support. Eventually I spun up a brand new Debian installation and got it to 
build successfully, however I'm now getting a slightly different error message 
to before (when it told me that it was built without SSL support)

  My new error messages look like this:

2012-12-12 09:28:26 [1651] [21] ERROR: SSL write failed: OpenSSL error 5: 
error:00000005:lib(0):func(0):DH lib
2012-12-12 09:28:26 [1651] [21] ERROR: System error 104: Connection reset by 
2012-12-12 09:28:26 [1651] [21] ERROR: SSL write failed: OpenSSL error 1: 
2012-12-12 09:28:26 [1651] [21] ERROR: SSL read failed: OpenSSL error 1: 
2012-12-12 09:28:26 [1651] [21] ERROR: SSL read failed: OpenSSL error 1: 
2012-12-12 09:28:26 [1651] [21] DEBUG: Failed while reading status
2012-12-12 09:28:26 [1651] [21] ERROR: SSL write failed: OpenSSL error 1: 
2012-12-12 09:28:26 [1651] [21] ERROR: Couldn't fetch 

  Does anyone have any ideas as to why this might be?

 The steps I followed to build / compile mbuni from a fresh Debian install were:


apt-get install gcc make automake autoconf libxml2-dev zip unzip tar subversion 
cvs sudo

apt-get remove openssl

cd ~/
wget http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.1c.tar.gz
tar xvf openssl-1.0.1c.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.0.1c
./config threads shared enable-rc5 --prefix=/usr
make depend
make install

cd ~/
mkdir kannel
cd kannel
svn co https://svn.kannel.org/gateway/trunk
cd trunk
./configure --enable-ssl --with-ssl=/usr/local/ssl/include/openssl
make install

cd ~/
wget http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/26_series/26.104/26104-520.zip
wget http://www.mbuni.org/downloads/mbuni-amr-patch
unzip 26104-520.zip
mkdir amr
cd amr
unzip ../26104-520_ANSI_C_source_code.zip
patch -p1 < ../mbuni-amr-patch
make -f makefile.gcc
cp -f amrdecoder amrencoder /usr/local/bin

cd ~/
wget http://www.mbuni.org/downloads/1.5.0/mbuni-1.5.0.tar.gz
tar xvf mbuni-1.5.0.tar.gz
cd mbuni-1.5.0/
./configure --enable-ssl
make install

mkdir /etc/kannel
mkdir /var/spool/mbuni
mkdir /var/log/kannel

chmod 777 /var/spool/mbuni

Peter Dolkens
Senior Developer

Level 1, 116 Miller Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia
T: +61 2 8783 2974  M: +61 433 756 167  F: +61 2 8920 0060
E: peter.dolk...@salmat.com.au<mailto:peter.dolk...@cfour.com.au>  W: 


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