I've setup Mbuni as VAS Gateway to submit MMS to provider MMSC using MM7 
(SOAP).Provider pertmits only https connection to MMSC, and sent me 
key/certificate pair to use when connecting to it.How can I configure Mbuni to 
use this certificate when connecting to the MMSC?Here is my current 
mbuni.conf:##########################################group = core
log-file = /var/log/mbuni/mmsgw.log
log-level = 0
access-log = /var/log/mbuni/mbuni_access.log
http-interface-name = "*"
ssl-server-key-file = /etc/mbuni/certs/server.key
ssl-server-cert-file = /etc/mbuni/certs/server.crt

group = mbuni
name = "Test MMSC"
hostname = mmsc.mydomain.comstorage-directory = /var/spool/mbuni
max-send-threads = 5
send-mail-prog = /usr/sbin/sendmail -f %f %t
mmsbox-admin-port = 7900
maximum-send-attempts = 10
sendmms-port = 1222
admin-password = password

group = mmsc
id = my_provider
vasp-id = idXXXX
default-vasid = XXXXXXXX
type = soap
mmsc-url = https://user:p...@mmsc.providerdomain.com:7432
incoming-port = 7422
incoming-port-ssl = true
incoming-username = username
incoming-password = pass
max-throughput = 5
use-mm7-soap-namespace-prefix = false

group = send-mms-user
username = username
password = password
mmsc = my_provider
How can I use certificate files which I received from provider to use them when 
connecting to https://user:p...@mmsc.providerdomain.com:7432
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