On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Darryl Pentz <djpe...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> The number of thread you need to setup is impossible to define without any 
>>> knowledge about your code.
>>> For instance, if you access a database in the handler, it's pretty obvious 
>>> that the thread might be stuck for a few ms, and with 800 concurrent 
>>> requests running, you will get awfull performances.
>> That is exactly what happens. Virtually all calls that come in via a MINA 
>> connection are hitting our DB. So this being the case, do you recommend the 
>> approach documented here:
>> http://mina.apache.org/configuring-thread-model.html
> Ironically, after running numerous tests, the best configuration is in fact 
> the default configuration of 1.1.7. - the one that results in the 16 
> AnonymousIoService threads. Switching to manual with the CachedThreadPool was 
> horrible in that it created a mountain of worker threads, but there was still 
> high contention on the connection pool, despite the fact that I raised the 
> number of connections in the pool substantially.
> This is slightly OT, but if I may ask, what would be an ideal approach using 
> MINA when you have e.g. 1000 concurrent connections all wanting to make DB 
> calls? I'm using DBCP which by my understanding is single threaded, hence the 
> bottleneck around getting and returning connections. Is there a better 
> connection pool I could use that would still allow the manual threading and 
> cached thread pool to be efficient?

Would recommend having a look at c3p0
library(http://sourceforge.net/projects/c3p0/), if you feel DBCP has
an issue.
I still doubt, DBCP has the threading problem, but let me reserve my opinion.

Good Luck!


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