Matters... I just renamed .m2/repository/org/apace/mina to doomed-mina -- if that's what you mean by "doom" my repository, then it didn't help.

Tried renaming the codehaus build-helper directory out of the way too -- equally no effect.

Hopefully you mean something entirely different when you say "doom your repository." :-)


Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
boB Gage wrote:
Rats, I musta screwed something up on my end.... I hear RC2 will contain the only patch we've applied, so I'm thinking we'll just skip RC1 if I can't make the source build anymore...

I just checked out a clean copy ( ) and ran ' mvn clean install ' and am still getting the same odd version failure....
Sometime, you also have to doom your .m2/repository directory before running a mvn clean install.

Can you try that ?

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