Can you elaborate a bit further, as to what is your observed behavior,
also would be great if you can give us a bird's eye view of what your
application is trying to achieve.

Will be of great help to provide further inputs.


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 7:44 PM,  <> wrote:
> After further investigation I found that the Session that is provided
> by the IoHandlerAdapter.messageReceived works as expected.
> I use an IoServiceListener registered with acceptor.addListener which
> stores the session for later use. But this session doesn't work as
> expected. Looking at the architecture diagram the session should be the
> same, there is only one. But it behaves different! Can sombody shed some
> light on this behaviour?
> If it is not appropriate to store the session in a local variable
> I wonder how I should write messages using TCP-Server socket.


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