There are two ways

1. Mimic keep alive filter - it sends keep alive messages after every
'x' seconds

2. Keep a tab of all open sessions, and after an interval iterate over
all the active sessions and write a message on the session.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 3:16 AM, Steve Buster
<> wrote:
> I'm trying to develop a client / server application that can basically be 
> related to a stockticker application.  The client simply connects to the 
> server, and from there the server constantly sends data updates.  How is this 
> done in MINA. I'm brand new to MINA and was looking through the simple 
> samples and based on the generic API, it looks like the method on the server 
> "messageReceived" expects the client to constantly poll the server.  Is there 
> a way to open the connection and just constantly push the data (every 1,2..5 
> seconds) instead of having the client constantly ask for new updates.
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