Hi, thanks for your answer!

I'm using MINA 2.0, and the SSLFilter is the only filter I'm using.

I'll post the System.out output for both the client and the server after
setting the parameter you suggested:

*found key for : tcc*
*chain [0] = [*
*  Version: V3*
*  Subject: CN=ARodrigues, OU=PCS, O=USP, L=Sao Paulo, ST=SP, C=BR*
*  Signature Algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5*
*  Key:  Sun RSA public key, 512 bits*
*  modulus:
*  public exponent: 65537*
*  Validity: [From: Wed Aug 18 14:43:58 BRT 2010,*
*               To: Sat Aug 15 14:43:58 BRT 2020]*
*  Issuer: CN=ARodrigues, OU=PCS, O=USP, L=Sao Paulo, ST=SP, C=BR*
*  SerialNumber: [    4c6c1bde]*
*  Algorithm: [SHA1withRSA]*
*  Signature:*
*0000: 85 69 A4 E7 D8 A7 C9 5E   16 90 B7 14 C5 EF 7C 6E  .i.....^.......n*
*0010: F0 E4 4A 18 B8 BE 11 3B   0D 4A E2 90 E8 B6 89 AF  ..J....;.J......*
*0020: 29 88 96 DE 25 6E DF 4B   FF B7 FE 12 C9 ED E5 9F  )...%n.K........*
*0030: 8A B3 F0 A0 8A 40 39 87   C1 E5 57 FA 73 74 3A 2D  .....@9...w.st:-*
*trigger seeding of SecureRandom*
*done seeding SecureRandom*
*Listening on port 8080*
*R: 0.0, W: 0.0*
*Using SSLEngineImpl.*
*log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
*log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.*
*log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for
more info.*
*R: 0.0, W: 0.0*
*R: 0.0, W: 0.0*
*R: 0.0, W: 0.0*
*R: 0.0, W: 0.0*
*R: 0.0, W: 0.0*

trigger seeding of SecureRandom
done seeding SecureRandom
Using SSLEngineImpl.


Thanks again,
André de C. Rodrigues
(11) 7588-9992

2010/8/23 Ashish <paliwalash...@gmail.com>

> What's the error? MINA version?
> Try passing this JVM srgument -Djavax.net.debug=all or
> -Djavax.net.debug=ssl it will show all the SSL communication
> happening.
> Its would be easy to point the error.
> AFAIK, SSL Filter should be the first filter in the chain. Since you
> are using provided example you should be good.
> thanks
> ashish
> 2010/8/24 André Rodrigues <gur...@gmail.com>:
> > Hi everyone!
> >
> > I'm trying to fix up a simple MINA example using SSL and I'm having some
> > trouble. Here's what I did:
> >
> > 1) I'm running the EchoServer example with SSL turned on. I generated the
> > bogus.cert keystore using keytool as described in the documentation.
> > 2) I created a simple MINA client that connects to the EchoServer and
> starts
> > a new thread to capture keyboard input and send it to the EchoServer. The
> > client also prints out received messages.
> > 3) I'm using the ssl package from the EchoServer in my MINA client and
> using
> > the same keystore I generated with keytool in step 1.
> > 4) I'm adding a SSLFilter to the client filter chain using the
> > BogusSSLContextFactory from the EchoServer example (new
> > SslFilter(SslContextFactory.getInstance(false)).
> >
> > This, however, does not seem to work... does anybody have any idea why?
> >
> > Sorry if this comes off as a rookie question, but I'm just getting into
> > programming.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > andre

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