Le 12/10/12 11:27 AM, Ramakanth MS a écrit :
> Yes its a restriction from the OS, I will have to start the process as
> root which is unfortunately not an option from security point of view.

sudo <your program>.

This is a perfectlya cceptable solution, even from the security pov.
> To overcome the problem,  I have tried re-directing the port 22 to
> 45000 (using iptables) and it worked. But my concern is that I have to
> add 45000 to the firwall file to get it working.
Hence the sudo.

Most of your service running on your machine are started with a user
that is not root but still, they can use a priviledged port (below 1024)
because they are started using sudo.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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