Le 1/11/13 7:00 AM, Dhruv Chopra a écrit :
> Hi,
> We are using Apache MINA TCP server for our gaming server product.
> Occasionally, (under no seemingly special circumstances) I see that
> when a client connection breaks - the sessionClosed event is not fired
> on my server's IoHandler. Eventually the sessoinIdle event comes and
> we have added logic to terminate the IoSession there. This behavior is
> observed rarely (say for less than 1% of the connections).
> I am wondering if someone else has also observed this? Or anyone have
> any suggestions on how I can debug this further from my end. We are
> still using MINA 2.0.4 - any bug fixes in the further releases that
> might have fixed this behavior?

This is a plain normal situation. It hppens rarely, because users
generally quit their applications, instead of unpluging their cable from
the network socket.

You can reproduce this cas very easily: connect a client computer to
your application, and just unplug the network cable. The server won't
notice the disconnection.

This is btw why the Idle state is good for, so you are doing everything
ok if you are using this event.

Otherwise, the disconnection will be dectected when the keepalive will
detect that the socket is dead (see

The default delay for Keepalive is 2 hours on a linux box.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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