Le 2/13/13 4:01 PM, Maurizio Colizza a écrit :
> Dear user,
> I have executed an Apache MINA example, Imagine step1; unfortunately
> it does not run; 
yes, it does... I just ran the code from example, works just fine.
(although I ahd to look for teh main() method which was not in
ImageClient, as I was expecting...)

>  the error that I have seen say : "MyImageRequest
> cannot be cast to org.apache.mina.example.imagine.step1.ImageRequest".
> I am using my MyImageRequest class that is equal to
> org.apache.mina.example.imagine.step1.ImageRequest.
You most certainly have copied the code form the example, and modified
some classes or renamed them. You have made a mistake somewhere.

Without the full stack trace, it will be hard to know what's wrong with
your code.

If you have it somewhere on the internet, we can look at it and tell you
what's wrong in your code.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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