Le 4/4/13 4:04 PM, Jennifer Cumming a écrit :
> So I've added some logging into the messageSent and it's quite interesting
> although not terrible helpful. For on the messageSent event isn't fired on
> the first packet sent till after I've received the response from the client
> to it.

That doesn't matter. The fact is that both messages have been actually
sent to the client.

My bet is that one of the message you write to the client is not
correctly encoded, and the client is closing the connection.

If you don't have an extremely short idle timeout, and if you don't get
an exception, and if the messageSent event is received, then either you
close the session somwhere in your code, or the client is closing the

Without the code, there is nothing much I can tell about your problem.

Again, use wireshark to see what are the exchanged packets between your
client and the server, don't blind guess...

Emmanuel Lécharny

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