Le 4/6/13 11:04 AM, sridhar patra a écrit :
> Hi,
> I would be really thankful to you if i can get any help from the team
> regarding the following question.
> I am trying to create a mina  Tcp server .
> I have created a class by extending IoHandlerAdapter and also overide the
> methods like messageReceived, sessionOpened, sessionClosed etc.
> I have the requirement like
>       After the server has received 1,000 requests stop receiving the data.

That's easy : you can count the number of received messages, and when
you reach 1000, you either close the session, or you discard any
received message, and send back a warning.
>       After some time again start receiving the data.

If the session has been closed, you have a problem. If you are
discarding the received messages, then you can now accept them again.

Hop it helps.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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