Anyway, I tried your solution and that worked for me

2013/7/26 Jose María Zaragoza <>:
> OK. Thanks.
> One question more:
> if I create a new filter  (iofilter1 ) , so I have
> iohandler -------> iofilter1
> When I receive a message , messageReceived on iofilter1 is executed
> and , finally , messageReceived on iohandler is executed
> If I put the code that sends "test" in iofilter1 and  "( doing other
> stuffs )" in iohandler's messageReceived
> would it work ? i mean , would be "test" sent before iohandler's
> messageReceived is executed?
> Thanks
> 2013/7/26 Emmanuel Lécharny <>:
>> Le 7/26/13 11:46 AM, Jose María Zaragoza a écrit :
>>> Hello:
>>> I'm using Mina Core 2.0.7
>>> I use BufferedWriteFilter to send data and every time I write data for
>>> sending it ,  I flush this filter manually by this code:
>>> this.session.write(data);
>>> ((BufferedWriteFilter) f).flush(this.session);
>>> Sometimes I've to send data from the messageReceived() callback method.
>>> I've observed that until  messageReceived() finishes , data is not sent
>>> Example:
>>> public void messageReceived(IoSession session, Object message) throws 
>>> Exception
>>> {
>>> session.write("test");
>>> ((BufferedWriteFilter) f).flush(session);
>>> .....
>>> .....  ( doing stuffs )
>>> ......
>>> ( **here**, "test" is sent )
>>> }
>>> How I can send data  immediatly in messageReceived()  ?
>> You can't. Or if you want to do so, then do your write, and move the
>> logic you execute after the call to write() into the messageSent() method.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Cordialement,
>> Emmanuel Lécharny

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