I am not the person to ask regarding Mina's future plans. Emmanuel?

WebSocket starts with an http request and performs an upgrade command. After 
that it is just a minimal frame data.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 4, 2013, at 8:15 PM, Mark Phillips <gwailoh2...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> HTTP's not my interest.  Almost identically to Dhruv's messages in the 
> archived exchange from last year, I want a WebSocket filter which will 
> process the connect handshake, then be invisible, so that existing MINA-based 
> servers can handle WebSocket clients without other modification.  So my 
> questions are, what's the status of the code which Dhruv contributed 12 
> months ago?  Is that going to become part of a future release?  Are we free 
> to use it?  Does the MINA roadmap include that code, or has that code been 
> abandoned?  Is there some other plan for WS support on the horizon?
> --Mark
> On Sep 4, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Jon V. <sybersn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The http implementation hasn't received any love lately as far as I know.
>> It is not for needing a bit of work. Why not take the code and integrate it
>> yourself?  WebSockets are not terribly complicated.
>> On Sep 4, 2013 11:36 AM, "Mark Phillips" <gwailoh2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> The Users and Dev list archives contain year-old exchanges with Dhruv
>>> Chopra of ShepHertz in which the ShepHertz company offers to donate
>>> WebSocket protocol filters to MINA.  I see that code in the developers'
>>> JIRA.  But that exchange seems to have ended after just a few messages, and
>>> it doesn't look like the donated code has subsequently been integrated into
>>> a release.  What are MINA's plans to support WebSockets?  I think it's
>>> clear that ability to add WebSockets IO to existing MINA-based server apps
>>> is attractive for many users.
>>> Thanks!
>>> --Mark

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