The asynchronous interface is an interesting idea.
Though I'm not sure the using selectors is the best and I'd rather try to
change the input/output streams ChannelInput/OutputStream so that
ClientChannel returns AsynchronousByteChannel instead.
I think we need both sync and async interfaces for the client, depending on
the use case.

2014-04-18 1:26 GMT+02:00 Alon Bar-Lev <>:

> Hi,
> Are there any plans to support async interface for the sshd package?
> Enable single/multi threaded implementation based on nio, in which
> selector is left within the program main?
> The library can return a set of events to wait for including timeout,
> so that main program can wait for these among other events it
> requires.
> The interaction between channel and program can be based on selectable
> channel as well, so that program may send/receive data via ssh
> protocol being completely async.
> Regards,
> Alon Bar-Lev

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