Le 07/10/15 20:44, Марат Гайнуллин a écrit :
> Dear sirs!
>      I am happy to know, that DIRMINA-1013 has been fixed.
> I have a question. I think, that while decoding TCP messages in separate
> sessions, server SHOULD do it in parallel. Why your last comment on
> DIRMINA-934 was about not to put executor filter before decoder in TCP?
Because doing so will put your server atrisk. Note that you already have
more than one thread processing incoming messages (IoProcessors) and TCP
does not guarantee you that a message will be delivered in one piece.
Now, let's assume you have an exectir *before* the decoder : then for
one specific session, more than one thread might be used to decode a
message, which means that potentially, for fragmented messages, more
than one thread will be in charge of decoding fration of a message. this
simply does not fly...

For separate sessions, there is absolutely no problem, because each
session might be handled by a different IoProcessor.

Performance wise, you might object that while a message is being
decoded, then another session could be blocked because the thread is
busy decoding (as the two sessions are handled by the same IoProcessor
thread). that would be true, except that when an IoProcessor thread is
busy decoding, it uses 100% of the CPU of the core it run on, so there
is no 'room' for some other exacution. So having an executor before the
decoder is simply useless, unless you haven't declared as many
IoProcessors as you have core on your server.

The only case where it's annoying is when your decoder is accessing
external resources and has to wait for them : unlikely...
Hope it helps !

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