Le 24/10/16 à 19:12, Murty Devarakonda a écrit :
> Thanks for the reply.  I set the logging at the debug level for all the code
> in org.apache and didn't see any exceptions being thrown or any error
> messages.  I tried to debug the MINA code, but didn't get much clues from it
> in terms of any eye popping error flows.
The simplest way to debug MINA is, as suggested by Qingsong, is to put a
breakpoint in your IoHandler messageReceived() method, and step in where
you have a session.write(). You are going to step through some classes
that are just wrappers, but at some point, you should jump into your
encoder. If not, then that means your filter chain is not constructed

You can check the session filterChain field, that contains the filter
list, to see if the codec filter is present.

Otherwise, without your code, it's hard to tell what is wrong...

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