
Any suggestions on how we could best update the proposal or formalize it based on feedback from the JSF community?

Based on this discussion our team had a look at the MyFaces custom components and the faces-config.xml file provided with the MyFaces components. One thing we noticed is that the faces-config.xml was missing <attribute> and <property> information. This would be very important information to have so that the JSP_DT could create the correct grammar information to show the correct editors in a Property Inspector/editor for instance. Also there are no description information on any of the components, so there is no way a JSP_DT can give the component a nice exposure in such areas as a component palette. Those are just a few things that would make the design time experience better.


Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21) wrote:

Well, so far it seems that only the "cost-ware" enhancements from Rational
do add the visual JSF-editing. The have their own metadata-definitions.
And a message we got from their dev-lab seemed to imply, that they want
to keep their specs until JSF 2.0 has been finalized.

And their metadata-specs have not yet been publicily published... but seem
to be available.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matthias Wessendorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 10:58 AM
To: 'MyFaces Discussion'
Subject: RE: Providing component design-time meta data


sure JDeveloper supports that metadata spec,
sicne it's a proposal submitted by Oracle ;-)

But also, I am interessted to see, with what
the eclipse guys come up, when JSF is integrated
in "eclipse web tools platform project".

I guess they are also interessted in a community


-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 10:37 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: RE: Providing component design-time meta data

I think myFaces could profit a lot and get ahead of the RI if it supported this proposal already for "JSF 1.1" und not only as planned for the RI by "JSF 2.0".

Especially if JDeveloper already supports that metadata-set.

IF in the final metadata-spec there would be changes, then the needed changes would be the same as those for "ADF Faces", so there could be a common migration team for the design time metadata...

If I had that feature I would have to consider a switch from Eclipse to JDeveloper... but I consider it worthwhile.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonas Jacobi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 5:08 PM
To: myfaces-user@incubator.apache.org; myfaces-dev@incubator.apache.org; Matthias Wessendorf
Subject: Providing component design-time meta data

Hi All,

I have had an email exchange with Matthias about JSF, MyFaces and ADF Faces and what level of design time support faces component authors would, or could, expect from tools vendors such as (in my case) Oracle's JDeveloper.

A couple of months back we (the Oracle ADF Faces team) posted a proposal for design-time metadata for JSF at the JSFCentral website (http://www.jsfcentral.com/articles/oracle_metadata_proposal.html).

Matthias thought it would be a good idea if I sent an email to this mailing list asking for feedback on the proposal.

One of the concerns that we have is the lack of information provided by the JSF spec that defines what syntax to use for associating additional metadata with faces components. This lack of information can force tools vendors to come up with their own syntax to support additional metadata for custom components, which would force component authors to have to deal with different solutions for different IDEs. If there is a standard in this area, component authors would be able to provide metadata in one format that will work in all tools, and the end user will be in the ideal situation of being able to pick the tool they want to use independently from the component set that best meets their needs.

The goal would be to have a good and productive discussion about this topic/proposal and try to come up with a solution that all parties involved (component authors, tools vendors etc...) could agree upon, and then put it in front of the EG as a proposal from the community to enhance JSF. As one of the leading JSF organizations comments and contributions from MyFaces to this proposal are greatly appreciated.

Matthias please feel free to correct me if I interpret your email incorrectly.

Best Regards,

Jonas Jacobi
Oracle JDeveloper - JSF & ADF Faces
Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores
94065 California, US

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