Heath Borders wrote:
You can just use an <h:outputLabel>  that would be easier than verbatim's.

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 07:37:25 -0800 (PST), mfaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Has anyone ever suggested an attribute to input fields that if required
would set which character would indicate the field is required.  Something
like requiredChar="*"  This way I wouldn't have so many
<f:verbatim>&nbsp;*</f:verbatim> tags in my code.

Just a suggestion, if someone else has suggested it what is the status?

Also, if anyone has a better suggestion as to how to do this, I'm open.




Thanks, I did as you suggested and it works fine but I had to modify my table layout and tweak my css.  Still, you are correct, it is a better solution than verbatim tags.  Having said that, I still like the idea of a  required character attribute.

thanks also to Stefan who suggested the same thing. 


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