> > ---
> > Aah, and by the way: Do I have to add the references to the 
> *.js and 
> > images manually to the jsp? Or should the extension-filter 
> magically 
> > detect the components on the page and even more magically adds the 
> > references? Right now, I added the filter and get the same results 
> > like before(none:() It looks like the filter is working, at least 
> > ressources like 
> > <web-app>/faces/myFacesExtensionResource/htmlEditor.HtmlEditor
> > Renderer/kupud
> > rawers/demolibraries.xml
> > are properly resolved. 
> > Any other steps to do? 
> Dunno. I haven't used htmlEditor, but I can tell you that I 
> didn't need to do anything else when I added the calendar 
> component on a page. I'd use the latest codebase from CVS.

Ok, the magic is in 

AddResource.addStyleSheet(HtmlEditorRenderer.class, "kupustyles.css",

in org.apache.myfaces.custom.htmlEditor.HtmlEditorRenderer - this is
supposed to add the references to stylesheets, js and graphics - however,
these references never appear in the page. 

Did anyone ever test this together with sitemesh? I'm using sitemesh to
decorate the layout into the jsp's, maybe it decorates away the references.
At least this is an idea where to look - any other ideas someone?!


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