On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 20:01:57 +0100, Stefan Frank
> You can just change the reference to the dtd to a local reference - weblogic
> will not call out to the web then. I think tomcat has a mechanism to lookup
> the dtd inside WEB-INF, whereas weblogic tries to obey the reference and
> look it up. As far as I remember, there is a switch somewhere in the
> weblogic.xml to change this beahvior.
> This is not a myfaces-problem: You will have this problem with all
> jakarta-webapps (eg. Struts), as they all rely on this fallback to dtds in
> the WEB-INF.

That's not quite right.

The JAXP APIs provide a way to register an entity resolver that is
used to look up the actual entity to use for a particular public id
(the first quoted string in a DOCTYPE).  In turn, if you happen to be
using Digester to parse your config files, you need to call the
register() method to define the replacement(s).

Tomcat, Struts, and the JSF RI itself use this technique to register
URLs that point inside the corresponding JAR files (i.e. the Struts
DTDs are inside struts.jar itself), with no need to manually include
any DTDs.  This is what allows, for example, execution to work when
you are not connected to the internet.

If MyFaces wants to do this, the code that parses faces-config.xml
files must *explicitly* register its own replacements with the XML
parser that you are using.  There is no such thing as an automatic
fallback to a DTD included in the WEB-INF directory.


> Cheers
> stf
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2005 19:00
> > To: myfaces-user@incubator.apache.org
> > Subject: Re: MyFaces with Weblogic
> >
> > I went to great effort myself.  Spent about three work days
> > but could never get it going.  But in my case I was using
> > struts-faces.
> >
> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/23/2005 6:26:52 AM >>>
> > Has anybody on this list successfully run MyFaces on Weblogic 8.1?
> >
> >
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