
That's a tricky question.  The plan has been to replace tree with the
new one.  It was assumed that the new tree would have the same
*functionality* as the old and I believe it does have the same
functionality and more.  One area that still needs to be addressed is
the treetable.  Once that is addressed we can get rid of the old tree.

This would require some changes on your part.  Basically this involves
minor tweaks to the JSP and probably a couple of changes to your
backing bean or whatever that sets up your tree data.  I don't think
this is a big deal but I'm not the one changing my code ;-)  One of
the improvements to the tree component is the configuration itself. 
So this kind of improvement cannot really be backwards compatible.

You should really check out the new tree.  IMO it is *much* better
than the old one.  Its a lot easier to configure and provides
javascript collapse/expansion.  My guess is that most users will find
the new features worth the small amount of aggravation to switch.

There is always the option of keeping the old tree around but I don't
think that is a good long term plan.  I'd like to see the new tree
replace the old in the next version.  If we can address the treetable
issues then I think that makes sense.

I'd be interested to hear what you and others think about this. 
Please take a moment to look at the new tree (if you haven't already)
before reaching your conclusion.


On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 16:58:11 +0100, Adrien FOURES <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> I use the x:tree since the 1.0.7 version.
> I want to know, if all my source code which use the x:tree component in
> my current version 1.0.8, will be work with the new tree2.
> And if is not working, is the old version will be maintained and install
> in the 1.0.9?
> Thanks,
> Adrien

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