Le Mar 4, 2005, à 4:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

I've been poking around the new subview stuff Craig has added to
Shale.  Do you know if it supports Tiles yet?  I seem to recall that
is in Craig's long range plan... (Documentation is obviously a little
sketchy at this point)

I know that tiles support is something that he plans to include because the mentioned that when I approached him about my subview ideas. I don't think that he has committed yet if it's done. He indicated that he’s been consumed.

Support for Tiles is definitely a goal for Shale. What form that will ultimately take hasn't been decided yet.

Realize that you don't need Shale Tile support to use Tiles with JSF. All you have to do is wrap tile inserts in subviews, like this:

<f:subview id="header">
   <tiles:insert attribute="header"/>

Make sure you provide an id attribute for your subview. The convention is to name the subview the same as the tile (or tile attribute) that you're inserting.

Other than the subview thing, you use Tiles exactly as you would without JSF, although content for your tiles will typically contain JSF components. As for layouts, I like to keep my layouts free of JSF components so I can use them with plain JSP, Struts, Faces, etc.





I've been poking around the new subview stuff Craig has added to
Shale.  Do you know if it supports Tiles yet?  I seem to recall that
is in Craig's long range plan... (Documentation is obviously a little
sketchy at this point)


On Fri, 04 Mar 2005 20:11:14 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

   Is it simple to integrate tiles with myfaces ?
Works MyFaces bester with Sitemesh ?

Toughts ?

This is could be kind of an interesting option. I'm not sure if this is the
vision that you are seeing but I suppose that a subcomponent tree could be
constructed for an XHTML fragment? What if you where able to wrapper the
request and response and a context object and then perform an HTTP "include" to
a Sitemesh template. Then take the data in the wrapper response and use it to
add on to the component tree. Maybe an adaptor could be snapped in to support
different types of defining documents (XHTML, XML, HTML). I think you would
loose allot of what faces has to offer if you didn't provide a way to register
listeners taking advantage of the full lifecycle.


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