The default behavior should be specified somewhere either in the spec of in Sun's TLD.  I'm not sure why this would have changed between the versions, but it seems to me that a blank inputText should be received as a blank String.  Otherwise, the value will not get updated.

On Apr 6, 2005 6:07 PM, Borja Martín <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Slawek wrote:
> hi
> when user type no character into
> <h:inputText value="#{bean.input1}"/>
> than in somme action after submit input1 is null. is it ok?
> in myMaces 1.0.8 its value was always "" (empty string)
> i must change lots of code:/.
> is it my mistake or a new approach?
> Slawek

me happened too
maybe a configuration parameter could be added to change the default

-Heath Borders-Wing

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