Hi Jan,

Remember: You should not do bussiness logik in the presentation layer. Thatīs 
why it is and will be not possible that way.

Try to use a managed bean which initializes and holds your contact list. 
Provide a getContacts() method in that bean which returns the initialized 
contact beans. While initializing the contacts you take the connection and call 
the setConnection method for each contact.


<h:datatable value="#{data.contacts}" var="contact">
                <h:outputText value="#{contract.name}" />

Ps: do you load every contact through a separate database query? If so try 
loading the contacts in a single database call. It will increase performance a 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Bols [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 12:47 PM
> To: myfaces-user@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: set properties of bean managed by dataTable tag
> That's not what I meant. I want to set the database 
> connection property of  
> each Contact bean to a Connection object that is stored in 
> sessionScope.  
> The Contact beans are stored in an ArrayList called 
> contactList of the  
> allContacts bean. By using the <h:dataTable> I get a 
> reference to each  
> contact bean stored in the contactList of my managed bean 
> allContacts. So  
> I have a reference to each contact bean and now I want to set 
> the database  
> connection property of each contact bean to the Connection 
> object stored  
> in sessionScope.
> First I though of specifying this in <faces-config> in the 
> web.xml file  
> but I can't because the number of Contact beans stored in the 
> contactList  
> of the allContacts managed bean aren't known in advance. This 
> means I  
> can't make each Contact bean of the contactList a managed bean.
> Greetings
> Jan
> On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 07:56:52 -0500, Heath Borders  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You can set the property using an <h:inputText /> inside 
> your datatable.  
> > As
> > your datatable interates over the rows in the contactList, 
> you can edit  
> > each
> > contact bean independently.
> >
> >  On 4/13/05, Jan Bols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> I have a jsf-page containing the following:
> >> <f:view>
> >> <h:dataTable var="contact" value="#{allContacts.contactList}">
> >> <h:outputText value="#{contact.firstname}" />
> >> </h:dataTable>
> >> </f:view>
> >
> > The allContacts bean is a managed bean and is specified in 
> the web.xml
> >> file:
> >> <faces-config>
> >> <managed-bean>
> >> <managed-bean-name>allContacts</managed-bean-name>
> >> <managed-bean-class>MyContacts</managed-bean-class>
> >> <managed-bean-scope>session</managed-bean-scope>
> >> </managed-bean>
> >> </faces-config>
> >>
> >> The allContacts bean contains a list contactList containing  
> >> contact-beans.
> >> The contact bean contains a property called myConnection 
> that holds the
> >> connection to the database.
> >>
> >> I want to set that connection property from within the 
> jsf-page or the
> >> web.xml file but how do I do that? In jstl this can be 
> done with <c:set>
> >> or in jsp with <jsp:setProperty> but how do I do this in jsf?
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Jan
> >>

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