I think the bug i am facing has to do with the use of the binding
attribute in the x:dataList tag instead of the value attribute. I'll
just keep plugging away to see what the problem is. Thanks for the
pointers on the unimplemented methods. I'll also see if my problems
may have to do with something similar.


> Well I have some commandLink components nested in a dataList, too ... but
> the actions are invoked correctly. Here an example: 
> <x:dataList id="superclasses" 
>                         var="item" 
>                         value="#{currentClass.directSuperclasses}" 
>                         layout="simple" 
>                         rowCountVar="rowCount" 
>                         rowIndexVar="rowIndex" > 
>                 <h:commandLink
> actionListener="#{currentClass.removeDirectSuperclass}" 
>                                action="#{currentClass.save}" 
>                                immediate="true"> 
>                     <h:graphicImage value="/images/delete.gif" /> 
>                     <f:param name="class" value="#{item}" /> 
>                 </h:commandLink> 
>                 <h:commandLink styleClass="linkClass"
> actionListener="#{currentClass.loadClass}" action="editClass"
> immediate="true"> 
>                     <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" /> 
>                     <f:param name="class" value="#{item}" /> 
>                 </h:commandLink> 
> </x:dataList> 
> I guess it has something to do with the state of the nested components that
> is restored while the dataList component iterates over the list elements. 
> Something seems to be broken or not completely implemented there. 
> After some insight into the code i think the implementation of the following
> methods is missing in the dataList component: 
> processValidators(context);
>  processUpdates(context);
> If I have time, I will try to patch this.

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