Avaneesh Arora wrote:

How can I create a reporting template (Like a reporting framework for different database tables) where the number of columns are not known in advance? How do I go about generating the information and then render it?

Maybe the <x:columns> tag would be helpfull for you. This allows you to render an unknown number of columns and works with a var similar to dataTable. It must be nested in a dataTable.

If this doesn't fit your needs or the implementation causes problems to you, then go and bind the dataTable via the biinding-attribute to a property in a backing bean, where you then create the whole table and return it. <x:dataTable binding="#{backingBean.dataTable}" />
However, this approach is very hard and frustrating.. I know, what I am talking about, have to use this one :(
And the MVC model is a bit broken with that approach.


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