Julien Martin wrote:

Thanks Bruno Aranda,
The only thing is that I want to display a HashMap and not a List (I should have mentioned that in my email) and I don't want to render it as a table. This is why I was using jstl. Any other clue?


Maybe I have a solution, but I didn't try it.
So you want to iterate over map entries and need to get them out of the map with its key. Then it would be necessary that a list of the keys is the dataTables value, so the dataTable can iterate over it. The map-Object would have to be declared in the faces-config.xml with the name aMapObject and set as managed-property of the myBean-class.

<x:dataTable value="#{myBean.mapKeys}" var="key"> //#{myBean['mapKeys']} would be possible too

//see the ' ' of the 2nd bracket, always needed, when using a String to get a property
<h:outputText value="#{aMapObject[key]['propertyOfValueObject']}" />
//you can skip the second bracket if the value-object of the map is sth like date, string, etc
<h:outputText value="#{aMapObject[key]['anotherPropertyOfValueObject']}" />


class MyBean {
private Map myMap;
public List getMapKeys{
return new ArrayList(myMap.keySet());

You see, JSF-EL is very powerfull, however you have to think about the tricky ways.


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