On Tue, 31 May 2005 15:35:05 +0200, "Kris Verhoye"

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> Hi!
> I know that there have been a lot of questions regarding the dataTable,
> but I still can't get mine to work.
> I have a table which looks like this:
>             <x:dataTable id="pubTable"
>                          styleClass="publicationTable"
>                          headerClass="publicationTable_SortHeader"
> rowClasses="publicationTable_row1,publicationTable_row2"
>                          var="publication"
>                          value="#{publicationsBean.publicationModel}"
>                          sortColumn="#{publicationsBean.sort}"
>                          sortAscending="#{publicationsBean.ascending}"
>                          preserveDataModel="true"
>                          preserveSort="true">
>               <h:column>
>                 <f:facet name="header">
>                   <h:panelGroup></h:panelGroup>
>                 </f:facet>
>                 <h:graphicImage
> alt="#{pubmgr_messages['alt_validated']}"
>                                 url="#{publicationsBean.validated ==
> 'true' ? pubmgr_messages['img_greenlight'] :
> pubmgr_messages['img_redlight']}">
>                 </h:graphicImage>
>               </h:column>
>               <h:column>
>                 <f:facet name="header">
>                   <x:commandSortHeader columnName="code" arrow="true">
>                     <h:outputText value="Code" />
>                   </x:commandSortHeader>
>                 </f:facet>
>                 <x:commandLink
> action="#{publicationsBean.goToPublicationDetail}" immediate="true"
> styleClass="publication_select">
>                   <x:outputText value="#{publication.code}" />
>                 </x:commandLink>
>               </h:column>
>               <h:column>
>                 <f:facet name="header">
>                   <x:commandSortHeader columnName="name" arrow="true">
>                     <h:outputText value="Name" />
>                   </x:commandSortHeader>
>                 </f:facet>
>                 <h:outputText value="#{publication.names['en']}" />
>               </h:column>
>             </x:dataTable>
> The table is rendered to this:
> <table id="pubForm:pubTable" class="publicationTable">
> <thead>
> <tr><th class="publicationTable_SortHeader"></th><th
> class="publicationTable_SortHeader"><a href="#"
> onclick="clear_pubForm();document.forms['pubForm'].elements['autoScroll'
> ].value=getScrolling();document.forms['pubForm'].elements['pubForm:_link
> _hidden_'].value='pubForm:pubTable:_id11';if(document.forms['pubForm'].o
> nsubmit){document.forms['pubForm'].onsubmit();}document.forms['pubForm']
> .submit();return false;" id="pubForm:pubTable:_id11">Code</a></th><th
> class="publicationTable_SortHeader"><a href="#"
> onclick="clear_pubForm();document.forms['pubForm'].elements['autoScroll'
> ].value=getScrolling();document.forms['pubForm'].elements['pubForm:_link
> _hidden_'].value='pubForm:pubTable:_id16';if(document.forms['pubForm'].o
> nsubmit){document.forms['pubForm'].onsubmit();}document.forms['pubForm']
> .submit();return false;"
> id="pubForm:pubTable:_id16">Name&#x2193;</a></th></tr></thead>
> <tbody>
> <tr class="publicationTable_row1"><td><img id="pubForm:pubTable:_id9"
> src="/pubmgr/images/redlight.gif" alt="validate status"/></td><td><a
> href="#"
> onclick="clear_pubForm();document.forms['pubForm'].elements['autoScroll'
> ].value=getScrolling();document.forms['pubForm'].elements['pubForm:_link
> _hidden_'].value='pubForm:pubTable:_id13';if(document.forms['pubForm'].o
> nsubmit){document.forms['pubForm'].onsubmit();}document.forms['pubForm']
> .submit();return false;" id="pubForm:pubTable:_id13"
> class="publication_select">testcode1</a></td><td>testname1</td></tr>
> <tr class="publicationTable_row2"><td><img id="pubForm:pubTable:_id9"
> src="/pubmgr/images/redlight.gif" alt="validate status"/></td><td><a
> href="#"
> onclick="clear_pubForm();document.forms['pubForm'].elements['autoScroll'
> ].value=getScrolling();document.forms['pubForm'].elements['pubForm:_link
> _hidden_'].value='pubForm:pubTable:_id13';if(document.forms['pubForm'].o
> nsubmit){document.forms['pubForm'].onsubmit();}document.forms['pubForm']
> .submit();return false;" id="pubForm:pubTable:_id13"
> class="publication_select">testcode2</a></td><td>testname2</td></tr>
> <tr class="publicationTable_row1"><td><img id="pubForm:pubTable:_id9"
> src="/pubmgr/images/redlight.gif" alt="validate status"/></td><td><a
> href="#"
> onclick="clear_pubForm();document.forms['pubForm'].elements['autoScroll'
> ].value=getScrolling();document.forms['pubForm'].elements['pubForm:_link
> _hidden_'].value='pubForm:pubTable:_id13';if(document.forms['pubForm'].o
> nsubmit){document.forms['pubForm'].onsubmit();}document.forms['pubForm']
> .submit();return false;" id="pubForm:pubTable:_id13"
> class="publication_select">testcode3</a></td><td>testname3</td></tr>
> <tr class="publicationTable_row2"><td><img id="pubForm:pubTable:_id9"
> src="/pubmgr/images/redlight.gif" alt="validate status"/></td><td><a
> href="#"
> onclick="clear_pubForm();document.forms['pubForm'].elements['autoScroll'
> ].value=getScrolling();document.forms['pubForm'].elements['pubForm:_link
> _hidden_'].value='pubForm:pubTable:_id13';if(document.forms['pubForm'].o
> nsubmit){document.forms['pubForm'].onsubmit();}document.forms['pubForm']
> .submit();return false;" id="pubForm:pubTable:_id13"
> class="publication_select">testcode4</a></td><td>testname4</td></tr><tbo
> dy></table>
> The publicationsBean backing bean has the following setters/getters:
>   public DataModel getPublicationModel()
>   {
>     if (this.publicationModel == null)
>     {
>       this.publicationModel = new ListDataModel();
>     }
>     if (this.sortablePublications == null)
>     {
>       this.sortablePublications = new
> SortablePublicationList(loadPublications());
>     }
> this.publicationModel.setWrappedData(this.sortablePublications.getPublic
> ations()); <--- so I just put a list of Publications in the DataModel
>     this.publicationModel.addDataModelListener(new DataModelListener()
>     {
>    public void rowSelected(DataModelEvent e)
>    {
>     System.out.println("row selected:" + e.getRowIndex()); <-----
> clicking on a link in the table activates this for the whole column?!
>    }
>     });
>     return this.publicationModel;
>   }
>   public void setPublicationModel(DataModel dataModel)
>   {
>     this.publicationModel = dataModel;
>   }
>   private List loadPublications()
>   {
>     <return a List of Publication>
>   }
>   public String getSort()
>   {
>     if (this.sortablePublications == null)
>     {
>       this.sortablePublications = new
> SortablePublicationList(loadPublications());
>     }
>     return this.sortablePublications.getSort();
>   }
>   public void setSort(String sort)
>   {
>     this.sortablePublications.setSort(sort);
>   }
>   public boolean isAscending()
>   {
>     if (this.sortablePublications == null)
>     {
>       this.sortablePublications = new
> SortablePublicationList(loadPublications());
>     }
>     return this.sortablePublications.isAscending();
>   }
>   public void setAscending(boolean ascending)
>   {
>     this.sortablePublications.setAscending(ascending);
>   }
> The sorting works, as it is I'm already quite happy with the output ;-)
> Yet! I can't get the id of selected Publication once the commandLink is
> pressed as there seems to be a problem with the generated ids of each
> row!
> As far as I know, each id should be something like
> pubForm:pubTable_0:_id13, pubForm:pubTable_1:_id13, etc...?!
> As all my rows have the same id (see the rendered table), the
> DataModel's getDataRow() method always returns the last item from the
> row (after having iterated over the whole column it seems).
> Does anyone know what my problem could be?
> The master/detail example from the myfaces examples does get an id per
> row so I'm reckoning it's still possible.
> I tried using <x:updateActionListener
> property="#{publicationsBean.selectedPublication}"
> value="#{publication}" />, but the problem remains as the system can't
> differentiate between the rows...
> Many thanks in advance for any help!!
> Greetings,
> Kris

Hi Kris,

Have you tried passing a param with a unique identifier for the row and
using an actionlistener to get the selected row?


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