Title: Message
Thanks, that's kind of what I expected (trying to use MyFaces custom components on IBM's JSF Impl).
I agree that it appears that the JSF jars supplied with the RAD6 Faces support appear to be 1.0 based, not 1.0.1,
so that may indeed be the cause of the problem you're seeing (eg, if there was a bug in 1.0 that's been fixed in 1.1
that the tree2 component relies on)...    I haven't seen whether there's a newer version of Faces support coming out
for RAD6 or not, but then again I haven't actually looked either...
> However, I did read the compatibility section of MyFaces, which said that the components have been tested on WAS 5.1.2, which is kind of confusing if my above assumptions are correct.
Is it possible they (the components) were tested on the MyFaces JSF impl on WAS5.1.2, as opposed to the IBM JSF impl on WAS5.1.2?
You may want to try IBM's RAD Developer forum at the following URL (it looks like your question has already been asked there):

Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 11:38 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: RE: Getting MyFaces Components to Work under WSAD or RAD

I'm trying to add MyFaces components to the IBM supported JSF impl as part of a RAD 6 created project in which I selected the Faces option.
I suspect that the IBM supported JSF impl is insufficient to work with MyFaces components, because I believe it only follows the JSF 1.0 standard, and I believe that MyFaces components require a later version of JSF.  However, I did read the compatibility section of MyFaces, which said that the components have been tested on WAS 5.1.2, which is kind of confusing if my above assumptions are correct.
If the IBM supported JSF impl *is* insufficient to work with MyFaces components, then I'd like to know the "next best" way to be able to load up the MyFaces components (actually just the Tree2 component for starters) into RAD 6 so they can be used and extended by a dynamic Web Project in RAD 6.  Note that, even though we're using RAD 6, we are under a constraint that we be able to deploy our app to a WebSphere 5.1 server.
I'm supposed to give my recommendations to my company by end of week about whether to build our own tree component or use (and possibly extend) one of the ones in the marketplace for our internal applications.  My first instinct was to go with Apache, but, after 3 days of banging my head trying to get even the example tree2.jsp working under RAD 6, I'm not helping my case any. ;-)
Any hints or steps would be appreciated about whether/how I can get MyFaces components (at least Tree2, anyway) working in a RAD 6 (or WSAD) environment, so we're able to run at least the tree2.jsp example in our test environment and on our target WebSphere 5.1 or 6.0 server.  Using the IBM supplied JSF impl would be preferred, but we might be open to other alternatives if they will work.
- Brendan
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Burati [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 10:07 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: RE: Getting MyFaces Components to Work under WSAD or RAD

  I haven't tried what you're doing yet myself, but I'm curious, are you trying to add MyFaces components to the IBM supported JSF impl as part of a RAD6 created project which you selected the "Faces" option (which will prepopulate the project with IBM's Faces support), or are you just trying to use MyFaces in a plain old Java project in WSAD/RAD6 and having problems.
Michael Burati
Senior Software Engineer
200 Ames Pond Drive
Tewksbury, MA 01876
T 978-863-1512
F 978-863-1555

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Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 10:31 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: RE: Getting MyFaces Components to Work under WSAD or RAD

Thanks.  Yes, this seems to be a good document on building custom components JSF using WSAD.  I have built custom JSF components using WSAD, and that seems to work fine.  However, I'm having trouble loading up the MyFaces components in particular into that environment, and was wondering whether anyone else has had luck doing this.  I'm particularly interested in doing this with the Tree2 component, but, during the past 3 days, I have not been able to get a successful deployment of this component up and running using WSAD.  Just out of frustration, I finally just loaded the entire WAR file into my workspace, and, although I was able to bring up the tree2.jsp page, I got a _javascript_ error saying something about object doesn't exist when I tried to expand the "server side" folder element.
- Brendan
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 6:26 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion; myfaces-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Getting MyFaces Components to Work under WSAD or RAD

One of the IBM redbooks covers this.  It's a pretty good JSF reference in general.  You have to create a custom eclipse plugin but it outlines the steps. 
WebSphere Studio 5.1.2 JavaServer Faces and Service Data Objects
Chapter 14: Studio support for custom components
-------------- Original message --------------

> Does anyone happen to have a step-by-step procedure to get the component
> examples loaded and working (preferably with source code included) under
> WSAD 5.1.2 or RAD/RSA 6.0?
> - Brendan

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