I just thought that I should also mention that my backing bean is a request scoped object. So another solution is to switch this to a session based backing bean, but my backing bean is where the select items for organizations, departments and contacts for the list boxes and drop-down menus are generated. I would like to be able to cache those for the life of the request but they shouldn't be cached across requests since they could change at any time.

What's the best practice for these backing beans? My design is pretty much following the design ideas in a couple of articles I've read where the backing bean contains the current selected object and the JSF pages bind with value="#{contactHandler.currentContact.firstName}" for example. Is it better to have this backing bean be session scoped or request scoped?

Richard Wallace wrote:

Richard Wallace wrote:

So what do I need to do to fix this? One idea is to try and find the value that JSF will use in the form and use that if there is one and then otherwise use the backing beans value when I'm generating the department choices. Seems kind of hacky since that's one of the things that JSF is supposed to do for you is provide the form values. I'm also not certain how to get the values that JSF is going to use in the forms without having it update the model values.

Well, I figured this part out at least. I can use the FacesContext.getExternalContext ().getRequestParameterMap(), but then I'd need to know the key of the form and form element to be able to lookup the value. Obviously, not an ideal solution.

Another idea is if I can somehow avoid doing the validation some other way. That's really the only reason I need to do the event processing right away and then skip to the rendering phase. But I've looked and there doesn't seem to be another way of bypassing validation.

Well, I've looked around and this doesn't seem possible. Unless I can do something with PhaseListeners, but I don't see how.

Please help!


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