Hi Lorenzo,

I'm glad that you like the article. To follow up on this thread I would like to announce that the fruit of a 8 months of lobbying has paid off.

There is now a new JSR - JSR 276: Design-Time Metadata for JavaServerTM Faces Components that I think is going to be crucial for the success of JSF.  Here is the URL: http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=276

I think it would be great if someone from the MyFaces team joined this effort.


Lorenzo Sicilia wrote:
Jonas Jacobi wrote:
I wrote an article on the same topic for FTPOnline (JavaPro) <http://www.ftponline.com/channels/java/2005_05/jjacobi_05_25_05/> that talks about the issues and what is going on to address this.

I read now your answer. Many thank, good article ;)

regards lorenzo

Jonas Jacobi
Principal Product Manager - JSF & ADF Faces
Oracle JDeveloper
Oracle, Redwood Shores, CA
Blog: http://www.orablogs.com/jjacobi
Site: http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/java/jsf.html

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