Does it work with preserve datamodel = false?  I wonder if that might
be the problem...  It's supposed to work either way of course.


On 6/5/05, Farooq Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to jsf and I m using my faces. I m getting
> problem regarding  "x:dataTable" and
> "x:updateActionListener". I am actually I have seen
> some posts regarding "x:dataTable" and
> "x:updateActionListener" but I donot able to solve my
> problem. Plz chk this problem and tell me where I m
> doing wrong.
> The problem is that when I click on the link instead
> of send that particular row (or taskId) it sends the
> whole List and then it iterate the whole list and
> display the list row values on the next page. Here is
> the code:
> inbox.jsp
>                 <x:dataTable id="data"
>                         styleClass="scrollerTable"
> headerClass="standardTable_Header"
> footerClass="standardTable_Header"
> rowClasses="standardTable_Row1,standardTable_Row2"
> columnClasses="standardTable_Column,standardTable_ColumnCentered,standardTable_Column"
>                         var="task"
> value="#{inboxTaskBean.taskList}"
>                         preserveDataModel="true"
>                         rows="10"
>                    >
>                    <h:column>
>                        <f:facet name="header">
>                           <h:outputText
> value="#{messages['label_taskId']}" />
>                        </f:facet>
>                        <h:outputText
> value="#{task.taskId}" />
>                    </h:column>
>                    <h:column>
>                        <f:facet name="header">
>                           <h:outputText
> value="#{messages['label_weburi']}" />
>                        </f:facet>
>                      <x:commandLink action="task"
> immediate="true" >
>                                <h:outputText
> value="#{task.webFormURI}" />
>                                <x:updateActionListener
> property="#{taskForm.taskId}" value="#{task.taskId}"
> />
>                        </x:commandLink>
>                    </h:column>
>                 </x:dataTable>
> import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
> public class TaskForm {
>         private String taskId = null;
>         private String webFormURI = null;
>         public TaskForm(){
>                 System.out.println("Task Form: " + taskId);
>         }
>         public String getTaskId() {
>                 return taskId;
>         }
>         public void setTaskId(String taskId) {
>                 System.out.println("I m in setTaskId : " + taskId);
>                 if(taskId != null){
>                         InboxTask inboxTask = getList().getTask(taskId);
>                         System.out.println("Complete Task : " +
> inboxTask.toString());
>                         if(inboxTask != null){
>                                 insId = inboxTask.getInsId();
>                                 webFormURI = inboxTask.getWebFormURI();
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
>         public String getWebFormURI() {
>                 return webFormURI;
>         }
>         public void setWebFormURI(String webFormURI) {
>                 this.webFormURI = webFormURI;
>         }
>     private SelectTaskBean getList()
>     {
>         Object obj =
> FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getVariableResolver()
> .resolveVariable(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(),
> "inboxTaskBean");
>         return (SelectTaskBean) obj;
>     }
> }
> taskForm.jsp
>         <f:facet name="body">
>             <h:panelGroup>
>                     <x:saveState
> value="#{taskForm.taskId}" />
>                     <h:panelGrid columns="1"
> styleClass="countryFormTable"
> columnClasses="countryFormLabels" >
>                         <h:panelGroup>
>                                <h:outputText
> value="#{taskForm.taskId}" />
>                                <h:outputText
> value="#{taskForm.webFormURI}" />
>                         </h:panelGroup>
>                     </h:panelGrid>
>             </h:panelGroup>
>         </f:facet>
> Regards,
> Farooq Mahmood

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