page A may (or may not - explain later) have onload attrib=sommeJSfunction.
that fucntion can open new window: - opened in popup page can return to u special header with doc to download.

when page a should have or not onload attrib:

<h:outputText value="<body>" escape="false" rendered="#{!bean.shouldMakePopup}"> <h:outputText value="<body onload='openPopUp()'>" escape="false" rendered="#{bean.shouldMakePopup}">

boolean bean.sholdMakePopup can be set when submiting form from B page

i dont know if i understand twój;) problem Pawel - maybe u mean that page B is popup?



I have page B opened from page A. I insert some data on page B and submit
the form. Then action is performed which generates Word document. After that it returns to page A. The problem is: how to open page A and then download automatically generated document? I know how to open page A, I know how to
download generated document, but I do not know how to open page A AND
download document after pressing submit button on page B. I tried many
things and none of them works. Do you have any ideas?


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