From: "Jesse Vitrone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks Wendy, the SessionSize class is pretty handy.
It's dying on my usages of DataModel though, because it's not serializable. I see that there's a _SerializableDataModel class in the source code. I'm assuming that the underscore in front of that means that it's not a class that I'm supposed to be using directly. Is there a way for me to be using a DataModel that's serializable?

I can't answer that question, but I did suggest to Frank that he add a flag to ignore non-Serializable objects in the session. He released version 0.4 yesterday ( with that added-- it will at least report an (under-stated) session size instead of just the errors. Unfortunately, if the size of the DataModel is what you're interested in, that won't really help.

Wendy Smoak

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