
Instead, IMHO, the expression language should encourage you to
manipulate server side model data with model tier techniques ... it
was designed to serve as a *binding* between the tiers, rather than as
a general purpose computational technology.  If we had wanted that, we
would likely have adopted essentially the entire JavaScript language
as the expression language mechanism in the first place (it was
considered and rejected during the initial deliberations in the JSTL
expert group, for the reasons outlined above).

Well, probably I'm missing something.
Here's a simple example. I have a documentDao with the possibility to load document and give back the document list. I want to display a table, where rows correspond to the documents returned by the dao. In every row, I'd like to have a "Load" button to load the corresponding document. With JS in EL it is as easy as #{[documentDao.load(document)]} as a button action.

What would be the easiest way to implement this with standard EL, without JS?


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