

This is related to JDBC 1.0.


I can register a driver with class.forName(“=====Driver class=====”);  // type 4 driver


This statement creates an instance of the specified driver class and puts in the memory.


Then I can use that driver class while getting a connection by using DriverManager.getConnection(url,id,pw);


After that I can do all DB related things.


Finally I can close all DB related resources( like ResultSet, Statement and Connection).


But how will I remove/(make a null) Driver class, which is there in the memory.


I do not want to wait for GC to do this.


As and when I finish my DB work, I should be in a position to remove all from the memory.


Is there any way to do this?


We are not getting any reference for Driver class to my program.


Can you clarify on this?


I know this is not the right place to post this query.


Some one can help me at least where I can post this query


Thanks in advance





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