Here's the action listener for the add child node
command link:

 public void createProArgumentationNode(ActionEvent event)
  ArgumentationNode child = createNode();
  ArgumentationNode parent = getCurrentNode();
  addEdge(child, parent, true);

  /* view updated model data */ 
  focusNode(event, child);

loadTreeData() gets called twice by the getTreeData()
BEFORE the addition of the new node and once AFTER.
Apparently, the tree model is updated with the previous (old)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Byrne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 4:34 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: tree3 component reload

Can you post the code for your action listener?  I'm curious 
to see if loadTreeData() is being called after or before you 
updating the tree model.

---- Original message ----
>Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 15:40:22 -0400
>From: Edwin Mercado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: tree3 component reload  
>Hello all,
>I'm still baffled by the JSF phases. I'm using a tree3 
>that is a tied to a getTreeData() function to retrieve the 
current data
>from the model. Everytime I select a node, the getTreeData() 
function is
>called 3 times, retrieving the same data every time.
><a:tree3 expandAllInit="true" id="networkTree"
>                               value="#
{treeBacker.treeData}" var="node"
>                               clientSideToggle="true">
> public TreeNode getTreeData()  {
>  treeData = loadTreeData();
>  return treeData;
> }
>Now, for each tree3 node that has been selected I display
>a command link to add a child node. 
>               <h:commandLink value="#{labels.add_pro} "
>                       styleClass="document"
>                       action="UpdateViewAction"
>                       <h:graphicImage 
>border="0" />
>               </h:commandLink>
>Whenever I click add child node command 
>link, the getTreeData() is called 3 times, but with a 
little "twist". This
>how it goes:
>1st time:      getTreeData() gets called and returns the 
already displayed
>2nd time:      similar steps as in the 1st time.
>====> the actionListener for the add child node command link 
gets called.
>       The model is updated with the appropriate value.
>3rd time:      getTreeData() gets called but this time it 
gets the updated
>       model value.
>Unfortunately, after the 3rd time that getTreeData() got 
called with the
>model value, the tree3 component displays only the previous 
stored value.
>Now, if I selected a node THEN the updated value (the added 
node) gets
>My question is how can I make the tree3 component display 
the most recent
>model data?
>p.s. I experience the same effect using the tree2 component 
instead of the
Dennis Byrne

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